Monday, February 15, 2010

updating from email today

So yeah, wonderment of wonder, my cable goes out!  It's like my bosses HEARD I was starting a blog! 
Well, no big.
on with the show.

Now it's time for everyone's FAVORITE Blog segment, (cus I just made it up!)

What's Ivy doing at work?!

While assisting her customers, Ivy is:

Knitting a blanket
Reading a Clive Barker book
Talking to an old friend from World of Warcraft
Chatting up her sister in law
writing a letter to her sister
writing in her blog
fixing her purse
drinking water 
drinking coke
eating a pop tart
Following my "buzz" on gmail.

Mind you, not ALL at the same time, but over periods of time.  
Nothing much of importance today.  Maybe if people want to know I'll put up a pattern of the blanket I'm making.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

I have an opinion! Come read about it!

So it begins.
Ok, so I decided to throw my hat in the blogging ring.  I realized that over my some odd thirty years of existence, I may have something beneficial/important to say after all.
It kind of comes down to this; when I was a journalist, back when dinosaurs roamed the earth and men and women grew facial hair, I had a very influential administrator, (it was a student paper, so yeah, an administrator not an editor) who told us; "In order for you to write an editorial column in the real world, an editor would ask you to have 30 story ideas ready to type up at the drop of a hat."
So, I didn't start my blog until I realized I had 30 ideas on what to write about.  I have more than that even!  Here's hoping I don't get too busy.

So, a little about me without sounding like I pulled a profile off of;
I'm a short, stout, loud Irish-American lady with a bad temper and even worse alcohol tolerance.
I work for a large cable provider as a technical support person, where I provide support to people who say they are "computer eng-gine-neers" and remind them to plug various devices into power.
(if you've never worked a help desk, I assure you, we get these calls hourly.  If it weren't for absent minded people, we would not have jobs.)

I am an avid social network user.  I <3 me some Facebook, twitter, and now wave.  I would not call myself a professional "social networker" because I'm not sure one CAN be.
You can follow my mundane twitter-sodes @Violentivy

Some questions that are commonly asked of me:

Why the username of Violentivy?
I like the juxtaposition of this username.  Most folks, when they think of ivy, think of a sprawling plant along the English countryside, growing up houses to thatched roofs, a very peaceful image.
but ivy is truly violent.  It will pry things open and burrow holes into brick.  Anything that burrows holes into brick on purpose must be considered violent.
People look at me, all of 5"1' and think they have me pretty much figured out, til I open my mouth and say something "shocking!"  I don't find what I say to be shocking.  I don't think most people do find what comes out of their own mouth as shocking.  I've always said what I saw though.  Peaceful until people look beneath the surface.  

Are you really a geek?  
Yes.  I think so.  Come on, this IS about my opinion.  I run 2 dual booting computers, one desktop one lappy, one runs vista and Ubuntu and one runs XP an Ubuntu.  I have a media server at my home which we keep all of our files on.  
Having said that, my in laws will read this and laugh.

What do you do in your spare time?
WHAT spare time?  3 kids, full time job, keeping track of health concerns of the husband sort, reading when I can, knitting and jewelry making, again when I can.  I COME to work to get away from life for a while.  And although I have a "day job" my true love is writing, of which I do not do as much as I once did.  I do have one completed novel however, and have been on and off looking to publish said novel.
I also write on as an occasional contributor, and on as a regular contributor to the novel there.

Anything else we should know before we decide to look over your blog and get "clicky" with it?
You should click on my ads, no really, you should.  Every time you click on my ads, my doggie gets a bone.  She's a cute dog.  Adorable really!  She's a dalmatian/border collie mix though, so she's very high energy and as a result does not get too many treats.  She's just... erm, too busy.  Yeah, she's not a bad dog.  She doesn't at all jump onto the counters and eat anything she sees, food or otherwise, and her favorite chew toys are NOT my youngest son's vinyl Mario toys!  She doesn't even jump into bed with me and cause me to sleep in contorted positions!