Monday, December 24, 2012

...second coming of BS

So... Yesterday I thought someone I've become close to was separating himself from my life... I was wrong, just read something into the letter that wasn't there, but, still I was a wreck.
A week ago I lost my best friend because she decided to go through my phone messages without asking and get angry at me for something she did to herself.
I was informed today that in the next month and a half I may be downsized from my job.
I haven't bought gifts for my youngest child, oldest child or in laws yet.  Not to mention my Mom or Stepdad, or my Dad even...

I went outside for a smoke break because I was expecting a text from someone saying they'd gotten to their destination safely and while I was out Paul had a seizure.

He got himself wedged between his desk and the printer stand, he spilled tea all over his computer and desk,  He fucked up his back and could hardly walk back to the bedroom.

My dog has been coughing for 3 days straight now because she ate tissue or something, and now she is standing guard over Paul, which is of course keeping him awake, and he needs sleep.  But after he's had a seizure, she won't leave him, that's her way.

My oldest son has been having behavioral issues in class, and so I had to spend the better part of Thursday and Friday getting paperwork in order to get him put into special ed.  Into that, my middle son caught strep, and I had to take him to the Doctor's office, (you know, the Doctor's office I had just left for Evan's paperwork?) They swabbed his throat and that caused him to throw up all over Paul... Who complained for a day and a half about the fact he couldn't find any clean jeans.

He did get the tree up, though.  My mom came over to help us get the house cleaned up but we didn't get the tree up and didn't get much done because...
I had to respond to an interview request, I gave her the information she wanted but I never heard back so...
See the beginning of this entry, and that's where we end up.

I'd be mad, or upset or sad, but I just have to laugh... I mean, seriously life, is this the best you've got?  Go ahead bitch, bring it.

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